Billions of wealth are not in banks, but in the minds of people. 亿万财富并不产生于银行里,而是产生于人的思想里。 Be deep, or funny, or just sta...
Billions of wealth are not in banks, but in the minds of people. 亿万财富并不产生于银行里,而是产生于人的思想里。 Be deep, or funny, or just sta...
No matter how great a master piece is, it starts from a humble foundation. 再伟大的杰作,都是从不起眼的地基开始的。 Grandmother told me that...
Why people have to live such an exhausting life? Always try to entertain others but make our own life a mess. 人活着何必那么累,娱...
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Although we are trivial for the world,we are of great importance for one another. 我们对于世界来说无足轻重,但对于彼此却至关重要。 You're like a...